When litigation is threatened or initiated, reliable + admissible information is power
We help attorneys and their clients uncover facts, analyze information and preserve evidence during every phase of a personal or business dispute ranging from pre-trial preparation and discovery to court proceedings and the investigation of new information supporting appeal. We do so by providing support in the following areas.
尽职调查 of Parties, Claimants + Witnesses
Due diligence investigations of companies or individuals involved or potentially involved in litigation. 在律师的指导下进行. Information could include the subject’s involvement in criminal and civil litigation; location and contact information; occupation, 教育, professional licenses and training; social media 账户 and activity; connections to other parties; assets and liabilities; court filings; and related companies, 投资和实体.
Witness Identification, Location + Interviewing
Identify and locate individuals involved or potentially involved in litigation — even those who are hard to find or who do not want to be found. 然后, 根据需要, conduct field interviews and prepare interview reports to support the determination of relevant witnesses and potential testimony as early as possible and inform the discovery and trial preparation phases.
Continuous Social Media Monitoring + Physical Surveillance
Capture, analyze and monitor social media activity for use as background or evidence. 识别相关的社交媒体账号. Conduct continuous monitoring of those social media profiles, capture relevant posts in a forensically established process and provide insight into, 并及时通知, 受试者的行为, 活动, lifestyles and associations (and changes). Can also include physical surveillance to locate, 识别和跟踪相关人员, 地点及设施.
Online searches and field surveillance to discover concealed or undisclosed assets, 账户, business relationships and investments as well as loan defaults, 债务人的评估, 破产和破产. 商业智能, understanding of money laundering techniques, and access to computer forensics is used to uncover real and intangible property, identify offshore structures and assets, and untangle layered corporate holdings.